Monday, July 6, 2015

On Our Feet

Somehow we always land on our feet. Lord knows we have had some close calls but somehow we always get by just barely. My dear husband and I have been through more in our eleven years together then most couples experience in an entire marriage. Through it all our grip on each other only tightens, "Love will keep us alive." It was our song as high school sweet hearts but now more then ever it rings true.

Sometimes I see divine timing in such a clear way that I acutally laugh. Today was that day. This weekend Brad and I spent a lot of time taking care of his car situation. He was driving a car that was unsafe and unable to transport the children so we fixed that issue. For one whole day we had two cars that could drive the kids to appointments. One, glorious, day. Today I pulled into Brad's work to drop off Gracie and take Emma to chemo. I stopped the van and transferred Gracie from one car seat to the other, gave Brad a hug, tossed Emma a snack and turned the key. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing. Awesome.

Brad and I quickly transferred Emma and Cora to his car and jump started the van praying it would make it home with him and Gracie inside. If not we had local friends on speed dial to come to the rescue. I drove along the road I drive so often contemplating the timing in all of this mess. On our first opportunity to use Brad's fixed car to transport the kids that is exactly what was needed on that day. What a testimate to God's provision for our family!

Emma's immunity numbers were low today so she is under house arrest for awhile. I am really nervous that Brad will take off tomorrow in our only working car and then Emma will need to go to the doctor but I am stranded here at home. Car mechanics seriously need to make house calls! Please say a prayer that I can figure out how to get my van fixed this week without taking Emma out of the seems an impossible task.

On an unrelated note our friends at Fitness Factor that did the car wash for Emma last year are doing one for Gracie this Saturday from 9:30-1. It is the gym on First Ave in Arcadia. A huge thank you to Kevin for organizing this for us, what a blessing! LA friends please make sure to stop by! I will give more details this week. Fitness Factor Facebook

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