Friday, January 3, 2014

Appointments and Red Tape

Take normal business hours, take away two of the five business days for a doctors schedule, coordinate two different offices so you go on the same day as per their instructions then add in a family of five and what do you have? A huge mess. It took a week and 10 phone calls to get our next appointment, the earliest day they can see Emma is the 30th. We are on call for an earlier day if someone cancels but now its a waiting game. Today I left a message for Emma's neurologist to make sure waiting that long is alright because I hate waiting. Hopefully we get in sooner.

At our next appointment we will meet with the Geneticist to discover which type of Neurofibromatosis she has in her little body. After that appointment we will walk the results down to the Neuropediatric Oncologist for a consult and to create a treatment plan.

There is so much red tape to deal with, everything from drama with the health insurance to doctor 1 will not do a consult until doctor 2 sees her but doctor 2 is booked until the 30th. In a flash I went from not even owning a cell phone to having one glued to me at all times.

This month the waiting will be really hard for Mom and Dad. We could really use some distraction. Please be understanding if we are randomly in a bad mood, we could have been on the phone all day with Blue Cross. Or if we cancel on you last minute, sometimes it is just too hard to get everyone dressed and out the door. Or if I forget to send you a thank you note, each day I have a list if things to do and I'm trying to properly thank everyone for his or her help but its hard to get everything done in a day. Please know we are thankful for all of you, the help you offer, the prayers you say and the hugs you give.

For the next couple weeks we could use help and prayer for the following,
- play dates: please keep us distracted. The shock is wearing off and we are beginning to face the reality of our situation. It is going to be difficult.
- help on or around the 30th: it takes a day to prep for the hospital so anyone who can help me the day before would be awesome and we need a Gracie play date on the 30th. If anyone is free on the 31st we may need friends to keep us in good spirits.
- prayer: please pray for a smooth month, a productive appointment and for peace and strength.

For now that's all I know, if we get in sooner I will update Emma's blog.

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